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Bitcoin price at new record levels
January 21, 2021

The price of Bitcoin has risen sharply during the second half of last year, and in December alone the exchange rate of the crypto currency accelerated by almost 50 percent. The crypto currency grew by an astonishing 403 percent in total during 2020.

This sharp rise has also continued during the first weeks of 2021, when the price has for the first time ever looked over 40,000 dollars. The total market value of Bitcoin is currently around $600 billion and makes up over 70 percent of the market value of all crypto currencies, according to Trijo News.

Paypal and Cashapp all new bitcoins

One reason for the rises may be that major US investors have taken up interest in the currency and bought large amounts of the crypto currency.

"Paypal and Cashapp bought in principle all new bitcoins that were extracted and came on the market during October and November 2020," says Judy Shalom, CEO of Advedro.

"What we have also seen during Christmas and New Year it has, probably due to media attention and the big upswings, been many regular players who jump on as well and more and more crypto offers has been promoted through natives and push notification ads on our network."

At the time of writing, the price is around 34,000 dollars, but has also been up levels around 42,000 dollars.

The sharp rises in recent times are mainly due to the fact that many ordinary investors have found bitcoin?

“Based on how you see people talking about it and what it has looked like in the past, that is my understanding of the situation. Bitcoin went up a lot in value during the fall, but it was over a two to three-month period and from 12 to 20,000 dollars. Somewhere after that, it has gone much faster,” says Judy Shalom.

Finance and Crypto offers interest are rising in Europe

We have seen a much greater interest of running crypto offers, with really amazing CRs. Between January 1st and yesterday (January 20th), we have gained as many new crypto offer customers as the previous record in the number of new customers per month. We also see that a lot of focus has been on the bitcoin, especially running native and push notification ads promoting it.

How long will crypto offers stay hot

What we all have seen historically is that there will be dips along the way up to the highest levels of these climbs. But our guess here at Advedro is that it will last at least until the summer before there can be a major decline, so let’s ensure to make the most of it while the market is hot and conversions are up.

How to start promoting crypto offers

As first, get to know the industry players and see what is mostly being done that actually works and brings decent amount of conversions. Secondly, shortlist a few offers with the geos, pay-outs and conversion rates that best suit you. Check the traffic sources you have and how quickly can you scale if the results are promising. Are your sources efficient for this specific vertical and what type of marketing tools can be used. All these will be the key to determine how successful your campaigns will be. You may have the traffic, but you are not sure how to convert it? Don’t forget to A/B test landing pages and take advantage of auto optimizing tools such as Adopto, that we are offering here at Advedro, which will definitely remove a lot of manual labour from you, letting you to focus on getting the right offers.